Wednesday, October 31, 2007


When my parents got divorced ten years ago I have since then still felt the pain and any other child would feel when they are in the same situation. I have definitely felt how this girl feels now. You never want to here the two people you care the most about arguing and putting each other down. The way I feel about someone should be simply determined on how they treat me and how I see them treat others. Not how someone tells me I should think.



Family, friends and anyone we try to impress is always going to be apart of a bias treatment. How does one tell their brother he cant have a new job at their company? Bias are implemented everyday in the workplace, and other activities. When is it fair to draw the line between a favor, or a not fair advantage?



A disguise can only do so much for a person. The mystery we see in their eyes and hold in their presence. the under-cover spy, the hiden gun man, no matter who or what a person is, disguise is the best way to imply this. The woman in the photo, is a perfect expample of what an incognito person does to affect our curiosity. Who is she? Where is she going? Whay does she need to dressed this way? The questions come pouring from my mind.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Vocabulary Definitions #9

Vocabulary #9
1. accord- to be in agreement or harmony; agree.
2. bias- an oblique or diagonal line of direction, esp. across a woven fabric.
3. incognito- having one's identity concealed, as under an assumed name, esp. to avoid notice or formal attentions.
4. deduct- to take away, as from a sum or amount.
5. paradigm- a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, esp. the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme.
6. plagiarize- to take and use by plagiarism.
7. objectivity- the state or quality of being objective.
8. precipitous-of the nature of or characterized by precipices
9. recapitulate- to review by a brief summary, as at the end of a speech or discussion; summarize.
10. reciprocate- to give, feel, etc., in return.
11. empathy- the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Huck Finn

Is Mark Twain speaking through Huck, or do you think Huck's point of view is different from Twain's? Explain.

Huckleberry Finn is a product of his author. though he may be developed largely through Mark Twain's character building skills Huck, regardless is just a fictional character. Through this "fairy tale" Twain is able to express the way he feels about society at that time and the type of people who live and die without recognition or acknowledgment of what they are doing there, and most of all why. I do believe that it is only possible for only a true and genius writer is able to completely remove their personal biased from that of a character. Although Twain is a fantastic author, i do believe he intentionally put his private and very critical views into many of his characters.

Approaching his story and points with a little sarcasm, some irony, witty humor and clever mockery Twain was able to show his readers how he truly felt about many controversial and interesting subjects. Not only did he get all of his view across, but he managed to do so in way that was difficult to argue and wouldn't put many people on the defense. Some people claim that this book was uncomfortable to read, or offensive, improper, or even distasteful. All this book is, is one man trying to express the way he feels about the how people oppress themselves so much by simply following around leaders dumbly.

Using a child, Huck, Twain is able to symbolize innocence and little to no corruption by society. If not just that Huck isn't corrupted, but he is still young and unique enough to know when something is just wrong to be doing. As teens people are about to experience what their life truly means, they begin to form their true identity, and moral obligations. Huck still has so many chances to form a personality, just because someone may not still be young and innocent, it doesn't mean that they don't still have the opportunity to see where the faults are in what they once believed.

With proper analysis of his writing i think Twain's voice and opinions are loud and clear. He chooses to use certain words and characteristics to contradict what he really believes. What Twain wants us to see is that as an individual it is important to remember to act like one. Huckleberry Finn is a controversial piece, but it still holds a lot of important facts that are timeless. Despite the era in which it was written, this book will never stop being true in so many ways. The attitudes Twain was concerned about then are all around us now. It is our responsibility to hold our own feelings and views above others and to act upon them, just as Twain did with his many fictional books.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

stereotype - to give a fixed form to.

It is a horrible thing to recognize when someone notices that their beliefs, religion, physical features, ethnicity and intelligence are all stereotyped into very wrong and politically incorrect generalizations. Every social group and etc. are going to be singled out and stereotyped at one point in their life. Sadly this is something we learned to just expect, rather than resent.
renegade - a person who deserts a party or cause for another

A lot of people don't understand what it means to keep a promise. I have noticed that a lot of people are easy to pursue and convince. This trait isn't always bad, but when it means causing other people a hassle then it can be a selfish and rude thing to do. Renegades who consider their presence as a mere honor to their hosts are the worst kind of ingrates. Not only are they insulting the hosts of the original party by simply leaving, but they also are stating that they aren't interested in their surroundings and aren't enjoying their time.

flourish -to be in a vigorous state; thrive: a period in which art flourished
The flowers flourished in the gardens of San Diego. People came from all over to appreciate the beauty of the abundant and vast flower fields. The plants grew wildly through out the season.

Monday, October 15, 2007


flourish -to be in a vigorous state; thrive: a period in which art flourished
guerilla -A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.
renegade - a person who deserts a party or cause for another
repose -peace; tranquillity; calm.
stereotype -to give a fixed form to.
symbiosis -the living together of two dissimilar organisms, as in mutualism, commensalism, amensalism, or parasitism.
tariff -an official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports.
tempo -characteristic rate, rhythm, or pattern of work or activity
tranquility - quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.
tumult - violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar.
tundra - one of the vast, nearly level, treeless plains of the arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America.
unanimous - of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed

Creative Writing

Monday afternoon came around as Liz came storming through the subway gates. She had spent the past two hours shopping at a sale from her favorite store. If she didn't start running she knew she would miss her subway and be late to work. Quickly, she begins to push through the turn-wheel. Just as she did so, she realized that she left half of her bags in the taxi she used on the way over. She couldn't believe it! Wishing she could turn around and run back to the car where hundreds of dollars of merchandise was sitting, she just had to keep forward. Now that her day was ruined, she took refuge in the fact that she wouldn't be late to work and get fired. as she came moping into her office, her boss ran in telling her he had a huge project and had she been any later he would have given it to her partner. Liz knew she could really use a raise so she took the opportunity of this project to ask her boss if she was applicable. Her boss quickly complied and rushed off to his next assignment. Her day wasn't too bad after all.