Thursday, June 12, 2008
TPOL rough draft....
This project was intended to be used to research music in context with the history and the events during that time. In addition to historical research we also were asked to write and performance original song. Writing a song is much different than writing a paper or a poem or even a personal diary and performing the song was even harder. We practiced for so many hours for a three minute performance and we didn’t get the chance to try again if we messed up. I really enjoyed writing the song though. My group also made it really easy to work together to write the music so everything went really smoothly. When I was younger I always loved to write songs for fun and to get different emotions out. As a group we all decided to study the genre of Indie music. I know I like indie because of the wide variety of sound that indie bands and artists have written and composed. I never realized how new indie music is and how unique of an idea it was. I always thought that artists wrote their music because it was something that they truly believed in. I now realize that there are so many artists out there that would give up their original sound for a bag of gold, so to speak. Indie is defined as an independent artists that won’t sell out their sound for any price. It first originated from punk rock in the 1970’s and 1980’s, a bunch of people who had something to say about anything would create a band and sing about what was on their mind. At first indie was a lot more of an abrasive sound rather than now, where it is more of a guitar pop sound. Once indie became more mellow it was also becoming more mainstream and that led to commercial success. In the 21st century there were a lot of indie bands playing free concerts for universities because college students could relate to the lyrics and liked the music.
The main reason I am so passionate about school is partially because of my goals in the future, I want to have as many options as possible. I love spending time learning, studying, and researching animal behaviors and sciences. If I do choose to persue veterinary medicine as I hope, I know I can never be too well versed on any material having to do with animals. I chose for my TPOL to study, understand, and compare animal instincts versus human instincts. Edward Wilson, a credited ---------, discorvered the theory of sociobiology: the -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Current Events- Keeping SUVs?!
Summary/ Significance: People are finding a bright side of our very dark and unfortunate climate situation. Unfortunately, the bright side they found isn't going to help our environment. People in Texas are buying the SUVs and trucks that so many Americans are deserting for more fuel efficient cars. The low prices on the older models mean, lower car insurance rates, and smaller, if any, monthly payments. One man in Texas said he was snatching up the used cars as fast as he could so he could sell them in south America for double the price and they are in high demand there because of the lower gas prices.
I personally believe that it is important for our economy and our earth that people continue selling their big cars for smaller cars with better gas mileage. But I would rather see those older cars be recycled and reused then have car companies putting even more energy into making more cars that we shouldn't need. Is recycling bad in this situation? hmmmm..... ?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Music Project- Indie
MySpace Girl
by Bubble Boy
Middle Indie:
Don't Cry Out
by Shiny Toy Guns
Older Indie:
Familiar Ceiling
by Phil Spector
Indie-- also known as independent artists and record labels-- has been played and recorded for as long as popular music has been. Though some indie musicians were frowned upon by major record industries and others, these musicians weren't in the business to make tons of money but to play what they were passionate about. And really isn't that what music is all about?
The thought behind indie, or alternative music, is that the musician has the freedom to play and write music that is completely genuine unlike some Pop bands that will play anything for a bag of gold. It really wasn't until the mid-1900s that indie song writers began popping up every where. Now there are hundreds of bands classified as indie.
Indie was first sparked after punk rock in the UK during the 1970's. They were bands supported by small independent labels; this is why they were classified as indie because they were on independent labels. They gained their popularity from the independent magazines; their music was popular among a small group of music lovers. Indie rock music was inspired by punk music, '60s pop music and counterculture, and occasionally electronic music and European pop. One of the first indie bands to become successful was The Smiths; their music influenced other Brit pop bands during that time. In the US indie was classified as music that branched off from alternative that was inspired by movements from 1970's and early 1980's. Also indie music was associated with abrasive, distortion-heavy sounds. Then in the 1990's in the UK indie music was connected to mainstream music as a result they got commercial success. During this time many indie bands were signed to major record companies or major independent companies were bought by major record companies. So during that time the label "indie" was applied to commercial guitar pop. During the same time in the US, the events were quite similar to the ones happening in the UK. Then in 2000 the indie music attracted many college students so bands like Silversun Pickups, The Kooks, etc offered to play shows for free to gain recognization. It may seem ridiculous to some people that the bands aren't signing with major labels but that shows that they aren't there for the money and they are just out to have fun, do what they love, and share that with the rest of the world.
cover song:
by The Kooks
We chose to use The Seaside because of its simple but beautiful lyrics and music. The kooks are a great example of one of the many indie bands to make it big in the 21st century. The Kooks made it big in 2004 after playing free concerts at colleges and universities. The song, The Seaside, we believe was inspired by the the lead singers home town, the Yorkshire seaside town of Saltburn.
With all of us soon to be leaving for college I know I personally can relate to loving my home town and all the memories I have had hear.
Seaside - The Kooks
Tabbed by: Alex Branchini
#m F#
Do you want to go to the seaside?
B# C#
I'm not trying to say that everybody wants to go
D#m F#
I fell in love at the seaside
B# C# G# F#
I handled my charm with time and slight of hand
D#m F#
Do you want to go to the seaside?
B# C#
I'm not trying to say that everybody wants to go
D#m F#
I fell in love at the seaside
B# C# G# F#
She handled her charm with time and slight of hand
D#m B# C#
But i'm just trying to love you any kind of way
D#m B# C# G#
But i find it hard to love you girl when your far away ... away
Sunday, June 1, 2008
O Pioneers!
Reason, Type and Setting:This book was recommened to me by my librarian based on the other books I have read. This is a book that takes place in the late 1800s to the early 1900s in Nebraska and is about the hardships a pioneering family face.
Plot: At the beginning of the novel we find that Alexandera Bergson, the main character, is in town talking to a doctor. Her father is on his dying and after his death her mother also passes away leaving the four kids to live alone on their farm. Everyone in the county seems to be leaving because of how difficult it is to farm the land there but the Bergson family sticks it out despite the brother's unintrest and they eventually hit it big and make tons of money on their crops. Alexandra is constantly being faced with problems of loosing a loved one, whether they must move awaya or pass away, she is constantly in rough positions.
Character:Alexandra is the oldest of the siblings and she is described as a strong and independent young woman. As the book goes on I saw that she was indeed physically and emotionallystrong but the more that happens in her life the reader sees that she has a lot to deal with and it isn't as easy as she makes it seem. I feel like I could relate to Alex in a few ways and that was what really captivated me.
Evaluation: I did enjoy the novel and I found the plot interesting and emotional. The novel wasnt one I would say kept me wanting to read, but I did feel like it was interesting and I was able to have more insight into life in the 19th century. I also liked the aurhors message to never give up on the things that are important to you, like the land to Alexandra and to her father. If there is something you truly love or care about you should do your best to preserve it and to work towards saving it.
Even though the book takes place two centurys ago I still felt like it had a lot of important information that could be translated into our work and lives today. There arent many people I know now that are farmers but I do know people who have hardships at home and in their work and it has made me realise that despite how hard things get we shouldn't always fight them, we should try to fix them and stay strong like Alex. I would have liked to see more closuer on some of the ending issues but other than that I did think the novel ended well.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
SAT changes Current Event
as of right now about 30% of national unviersities are making the SATs optional. The schools are hoping to be able to encourage students with mediocre SAT scores to apply to their establishment so they can have a more well-rounded student body. This is a contreversal issue because many people believe the test is "fair" for all students and it provides a standardized way of comparing students to each other. this is very applicable to our student life right now. Especially as juniors it is important for us to be studying for the SAT so we have time to do well and then submit our scores. This change would reduce stress in junior year and allow the students to focus on their studies and extra cirricular activities. i don't think that the college process should be easy but it doesnt have to be unreasonable, just challenging.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My Architect
What Happened to Ethics?
Why would I want someone to apologize to me if they didnt mean it? I would usually rather honesty than what someone thinks is morally the right thing to do or say.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What Do You Hear?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Current Event- Report: Money fears might have led to bridge collapse
Who do you blame when a huge bridge collapses causing death and financial issue that were trying to be avoided in the first place. When transportation officials thought that maintance for the minneapolis bridge in minnesota would be too large of an expense they began to neglect the bridge until it's recent collapse. With 13 killed and $75 million dollars in repairs and replacements. It would have cost about $40,000 for the bridge to have just been repaired before the class.
It's scary when we are paying tax money and don't know that our basic safety is being cover. When we put our lives in the hands of so many other people and organizations, the least they can do is think ahead.
Vocabulary- 17 - (verb) to know or receive by intuition.
3.laboriously- (adjective) requiring much work, exertion, or perseverance.
4.proximity- (noun) nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation.
5.reticence - (adjective) disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved.
6.senescent- (adjective) growing old; aging.
7.shroud- (noun) a cloth or sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial.
8.situation- (noun) manner of being situated; location or position with reference to environment
9.synchronously- (adjective) occurring at the same time; coinciding in time; contemporaneous; simultaneous.
10.tortuous- (adjective) full of twists, turns, or bends; twisting, winding, or crooked.
11.tranquility- (noun) quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.
Too "high-tech" you say?!?!
Everyone has an opinion about the way that schools should be run and how subjects should be taught. Using relevant technology and updates in our teaching methods could only benefit the student. I have used both ways of learning, the traditional textbook way that most students resent and the modern computer way, which is exciting ever changing and allows for unfound creativity. Not only would we as students not be able to access more relevant and current information every single day with individual laptops at school, but once a school spends the initial expense of purchasing a good class set of laptops, the cost is fixed. When a teacher assigns a research project a student has a few options. If a student reads a book in the library like every other student in the past had and every student in the present class will, well, there is only a few amount of books. The information may be biased, over used and not very broad. Not only that, what does the student do when all the other books are checked out. The Internet offers a convenient and valuable portal into the past worlds of some of the most heroic men and women on earth. While learning about one great person anyone could accidentally stumble upon someone they will admire even more. All computers do in the classroom is give students and teachers more convenient, efficient, effective, creative and useful learning tools. As long as a student is watched and it is insured that they are using their computer for the assignment then it is hard to find a downside. Information is constantly changing and so is the Internet and computer programs. Getting young adults comfortable with change in their learning patterns will only make them more flexible people in the future. It is easy to ask for help and work together when we can all share information on the computer and the best way to learn social skills is while working in groups. Though it can be argued that computers make students less social, I think that is a personality trait that would have been expressed with or without technology as an excuse. Like the expression says, don't shoot the messenger, it seems like everyone is looking for something to blame on lax education and school policy, low test scores and lack of motivation in the youth. It is more depressing for a group of young individuals to walk into a classroom open their books to chapter 13 and continue on with the same drills as yesterday's math problems. When I walk into my math class I am applying math to childhood games and using computers to design brochures and communicate with my partner. I eliminate the stress of wondering if my printer at home is working when I have a huge paper due because I know I can always use the schools set. Their is something inspirational about walking into a room and feeling comfortable and at home and knowing I can express myself any way I want. That has never happened to me in a classroom before I came to High Tech High International and i truly believe the environment and the relationships are what make me feel that way.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Persuasive Outline
- American Environmental Policies:
- The Environmental Protection Agency:
- About 30 acts: The Atomic Energy Act, The Clean Air and The Clean Water Acts, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Endangered Species Act, Energy Policy Act, Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments, Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA, also known as the Ocean Dumping Act), National Environmental Policy Act, National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act, Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Occupational Safety and Health, Ocean Dumping Act, Oil Pollution Act, Pollution Prevention Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Toxic Substances Control Act.
- Laws are lax and unclear, easy to find loop holes: The Atomic Energy Act (AEA) established the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to promote the "utilization of atomic energy for peaceful purposes to the maximum extent consistent with the common defense and security and with the health and safety of the public." When EPA was formed, the AEC's authority to issue generally applicable environmental radiation standards was transferred to EPA. Other federal and state organizations must follow these standards when developing requirements for their areas of radiation protection.
- In other words, atomic energy plants can if they want to change their policies for the benefit of the environment. Just one example of the rules.
- Pollution:
- water, air, and land.
- public and private prevention of pollution/waste of resources.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Current Events
It is important that we have relife programs in place so that we can help people in these situations, even if it isnt in our own country.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Book Report- Ender's Game
Book Report / Novel Summary
Scott Card, Orson. Ender's Game. United States of America. Tom Doherty: 1985.
Reason, Type and Setting: This book is an exciting and entertaining science fiction, adventure novel. The book takes place in both outer space and earth. There is no definite time period but it is set in the future.
Plot: The book is about the difficulties Ender has a young boy being tormented by adults, children and teens and as a young man coping with the crimes he later learns he has committed. It also is has a strong focus on the war between the Buggers and Humans which later turns out to just be a miscommunication. Ender has to basically live his entire childhood as a tool for the army. He is challenged mentally and physically everyday and he always complies despite the fact that he hates being used by everyone above him.
Character: Ender is a strong and young boy through out the book. Though his physical appearance isn't very important. Ender is compassionate yet violent when necessary, a perfect mix of his brother and sister. Ender is a good example of what many teens are, though they are neither completely good or evil everyone has a little devil in them and Ender is a nice example of that. As the main character I learned a lot about him and i could often feel like i had sympathy for him and I was proud of him when he was successful.
Evaluation: I did enjoy the novel and found it extremely entertaining and interesting. There were many morals and values tied into the plot especially when it came to discriminating and killing an entire race of buggers. I think the author was really trying to encourage the readers that despite how brilliant you are, a person can be detrimental if they don't think for themselves, especially when they don't believe in what they are doing. I would definitely recommend this book. If i were Ender I would hope i would be more outspoken and fight for what I truly believed rather than what someone asked me to believe in.
Author, Context and Trivia: Orson Scott Card also wrote a squeal to Ender's Game called Ender's Shadow. Although I am not a big SciFi fan i really did enjoy Ender's Game and would even read it again.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The aroma from the kitchen was hardly appetizing and despite that, the awkward chef seemed as if he were in a state of ectasy from the excitment of cooking her first meal. Her infatuation with cooking began that night but her food was no longer deleterious, rather she constantly insured that everything she made would consummate her standards. No one who ever was a guest at her home would deny food and there was nothing less than acquiesce urge to taste anything at all. Judging by the first night no one would have guessed the inevitable in this case.
acquiesce- to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent.
amorous- inclined or disposed to love, esp. sexual love
aroma- an odor arising from spices, plants, cooking, etc., esp. an agreeable odor; fragrance.
awkward- lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy.
consummate- to bring to a state of perfection; fulfill.
conversely- opposite or contrary in direction, action, sequence, etc.; turned around.
deleterious- injurious to health.
delirium- a state of violent excitement or emotion.
ecstasy- an overpowering emotion or exaltation; a state of sudden, intense feeling.
enamored- To inspire with love; captivate.
futile- incapable of producing any result; ineffective; useless; not successful.
incantation- the chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power.
inevitability- unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary.
infatuation- foolish or all-absorbing passion or an instance of this.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Book Report- The Picture of Dorian Gray
Reason, Type and Setting: The Picture of Dorian Gray is a mystery that takes place in the late 1800's in London. I selected this book because I have always like Wilde's style.
Plot: In the beginning of the novel the main character Dorian is introduced to Lord Henry on the day he was going to have his picture painted by Basil Hallward. Henry "corrupts" Dorian's innocents and introduces him to a new world of pessimism and doubt. At this point Dorian wishes that all the evils would portray on his beautiful painting rather than on his own face and body. He also wishes all his ageing and any signs of deteriorating health will show on the painting as well. Dorian learns this and soon figures that he can live a sinful life and it will never be reflected on to him. The Painting is a mirror of his soul. Eventually the evil consumes him so much that he eventually gets so upset by the person he has become that he decides to stab the painting and as a result he kills himself.
Character: Dorian Gray is a handsome young man at the beginning of the novel and a handsome young man at the end. The only difference is that over the years his soul has become an ugly, old and mean person. I chose this character not only because he is the main character but more because his life and the things that he does become such a powerful metaphor. While Dorian is innocent his soul is pure and it wasn't the knowledge that he could change that changed him but more the path he chose that had made him such ugly person figuratively even though it wasn't literally. In the end of the novel he finally realised how horrible of a person he had became he tried o kill his soul and by doing so he just killed himself.
Evaluation: I did really enjoy the novel and the witty style of Oscar Wilde. Not only was the book entertaining it also had a strong moral and ethical themes. The author tried to show the reader how despite how clean and nice you may look to others, if you have an ugly soul and mind then that will take over the type of person you are. I would definitely recommend this novel to anyone interested in a captivating and unique book.
I'm not sure if I would have acted the same way as Dorian. It is hard when you are never taught to think for yourself and then you all of a sudden you are given insight that you don't know what to do with. I have never been in that position so I couldn't know how I would react. Hopefully it wouldn't be the same as Dorian.
Author, Context and Trivia: Oscar Wilde also wrote: Ravenna, The Happy Prince and Other Tales, The Decay of Lying, Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories, Intentions, Salome, The House of Pomegranates, Lady Windermere’s Fan, A Woman of No Importance, The Duchess of Padua, The Sphinx, An Ideal Husband, The Importance of Being Earnest, and The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Oscar Wilde was an existentialist and well known during his time. I have not read any other books like this one but i would like to read more.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Indict America
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Current Event- Crazy Coffee!!
Summary: This special and unique coffee comes from the feces of an Indonesian jungle cat. After the cat eats only the best coffee beans, the beans go through the cat's digestive track. Only 573 pounds of this coffee is produced each year. The beans are sold in London for a high price (of $100 per shot), but on the other hand the profit from this luxury coffee all goes to charity.
Vocabulary- Week 13
I was in a state of vertigo after i got off the crazy roller coaster.
The man threatened to sue the woman for the way she slandered him and his religion.
My mom always told me not squander away my money.
As people get older they begin to quell their old habits, like my habit to say "like".
revere - to regard with respect tinged with awe; venerate
vertigo - a dizzying sensation of tilting within stable surroundings or of being in tilting or spinning surroundings.
punitive - serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishment
slander - serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishment
squander - to spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly or wastefully (often fol. by away).
panache - a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flair:
forlorn - desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance.
quell - to suppress; put an end to; extinguish
concision - concise quality; brevity; terseness.
libel - defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
defamation - the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny
misdirection - a wrong or incorrect direction, guidance, or instruction
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Current Events- FAA
Source: MSNBC
Title: Congressman: FAA actions displayed ‘malfeasance bordering on corruption
Summary/Significance: Scandels within the airlines are safety concerns for passanfers. With checks not as often as they are supposed to be, these oversights could be the difference of life and death. It is scary to think that situations like this are still happening even after 9/11, with so many other people in the world "out to get us" why would people be essentailly helping them when we make conditions ounsafe for ourselves?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Book Report- The Chosen
Reason, Type and Setting:This book was recommended to me by a relative a while ago. the Chosen takes place in a Jewish Sect of New York during World War II.
Plot: This book follows the friendship of two high school Orthodox boys. One of the boys is a Hasid and the other Orthodox. The two boys have the same faith but were raised entirely differently. While Reuven, the Orthodox boy, was raised by a very intelligent father and was always encouraged to ask question and expand on his knowledge. Danny, on the other hand, was raised in silence by his father. According to the traditions that Danny's family and their followers abide by, Danny would be the next leader of the colony and their connection to God. Danny doesn't wish to follow the tradition, rather he would like to study phsycology and Freud and other famous philosophers. Reuven is one of Danny's outlets and gives Danny the opportunity to talk to someone who can understand his need for change. Unfortunately when Danny's father forbids Danny to see Reuven because of a disagreement of beliefs.
Character:Danny is a curious, head strong and independent young man. He is the other protagonist of the story and is a very interesting character. He is described as a genious and is highly adored by his niave followers. Danny's struggle to follow dreams that he could never expose for the fear of losing his family, made him an even more passionate person. I personally don't like when people use misfortunes in their lives as excuses to fail rather than reasons to succeed. In the end of the novel he was able to stand up for what he honestly wanted to be following rather than for what his father had in line for him.
Evaluation: I really did like the novel and I felt I could relate to it in an acedemic, social, and even religious way. I would definitely reccommend this book to anyone intrested in an exciting and unique read. The story was amazing and the author's style was very unique and i enjoyed it.
The story definitely relates to teenagers and some of the problems they have to deal with in literal and metophorical ways as well. Since the story took place during and after World War II one of the main conflicts in the novel were between the Zionists and the Anti-Zionists. People should know about what was going on during that time between the two groups of Jews, whether it is through reading this book or another.
Author, Context and Trivia: Chiam Potok has also written the books: The Promise, In the Beginning, The Book of Lights, Davita's Harp, Theo Tobiasse. I haven't read any other books by Potok, but I have heard that Davita's Harp is also just as good.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Book Report- Absalom, Absalom!
Reason, Type and Setting: This was a narrative about a family in the south during the Civil War. There is action, mystery and adventure throughout the novel. Taking place in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
Plot: A woman (Miss Rosa) tells a story of her family and the Supten family to a grandson (Queton) of Mr. Thomas Sutpen. She tells him about the incest, the scandles and the choas. She hopes that one day her story will be shared with the rest of the world if Quenton would become a writer. After one families name was ruined by another, there were murders within the family and scandles through the small Mississippi town. Especially when the half brother of Judith tries to marry her and her brother Henry then kills his half brother Bon, not because of the incestial intentions but the fact that he had negro blood.
Character: Charles Bon is a young man and the abandoned son of Thomas Supten. He has part negro blood on his mother's side, but he is educated and eventually make the decision to enroll in the army. He becomes friend with his half-brother Henry, that neither realised their relation. After Henry introduced Bon to his sister Judith, the two had plans for marriage. Later Henry found out of Bon's relation and then learns of his negro blood and for that reason he murders his sister fiance. Through out the book it is sugested that Henry himself may have had sexual feelings toward his siter as well.
Evaluation: I didn't enjoy this novel as much as other novels I have read recently. The actual story and plot were interesting and unique, but the author's style was untraditiomal and in this case i didn't enjoy the way it was written. I am not sure if i would recommend this book to others, but it did have educational value and I learned more about the south and southern mindset from a different perspective.
It's hard to compare this book to life now because our world is so different then it was then. Though there are prejudices and racism now, it is not nearly as bad as it used to be. Certain parts of the story remind me of current events such as incest and rape, although these are unfortunate events they do happen now and they happened then. It is sad to think that these circumstances have not greatly changed.
Author, Context andfa Trivia:Faulkner wrote many other books including: As I Lay Dying, The Hamlet, The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, and Knight's Gambit. Faulkner is a famous writer and is still recognized today for his talent. I have not read any other books by Faulkner. Even though I have not read a book by Faulkner other than this one, I have read The Color Purple which has similar ideas as Absalom, Absalom!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Art vs. Graffiti
Monday, March 3, 2008
Current Event- Doctor
Doctor is accused of expediting patients death and faces 8 years of prison. The reason for the doctor's actions were to use the patients organs. By the time the patient had died, however, the organs weren't even usable. It's hard because it is sad how many doctors are being sued and put on trial. They work hard everyday at one of the most important jobs in the country and are being discouraged from doing the right thing. It is bigger than this case so it's hard to say that what this doctor did was wrong or right, but it is easy to say that that certainly is not how all doctors act around and with their patients.
Vocabulary Week 7
I always try to emulate people who work hard to do what they need to to get things done.
My niece imitates everything I do.
Everyone hates when people mimic them, it's always so annoying and definitely frustrating.
Her reaction was a precursor to the reaction of her team mates. It was as if her reaction was just a split second earlier.
scuttlebutt - A cask on a ship used to hold the day's supply of drinking water.
bulwark - any person or thing giving strong support or encouragement in time of need, danger, or doubt.
hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.
dearth - scarcity and dearness of food; famine.
deference - respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc., of another.
emulate - to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass.
imitate - to follow or endeavor to follow as a model or example.
mimic - to imitate or copy in action, speech, etc., often playfully or derisively.
endemic - natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous: an endemic disease.
aborigine - one of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or region.
inchoate - not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary.
precursor - a person or thing that precedes, as in a job, a method, etc.; predecessor.
volatile - evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Vocabulary Pictures- Week 6
The obsolete computer was replaced with a sleek new laptop.
Emaciate (verb) - To make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation.
Obsolete (adjective) -no longer in general use; fallen into disuse
Obviate (verb) - to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures; render unnecessary
Penchant (noun) -a strong inclination, taste, or liking for something
Paucity (noun) - smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness
Sycophant (noun) - a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
Taut (adjective) - tightly drawn; tense; not slack.
Tenuous (adjective) - thin or slender in form, as a thread.
Tenacity (noun)- the state of being tenacious. [holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often fol. by of)]
Current Event- Amored Vehicles
U.S. troops claim that there could have been half the number of troops killed had their vehicles been fully equipped with the armor needed to protect against roadside bombs and other attack. Since so many people are upset about the war in Iraq and how so many of our troops are dieing as a result, then we have to take credit for the fact that our army is protected to the highest possible degree. The Marine Corps is now requesting to investigate the delays.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Current Event- Ectasy
Summary: Ectasy pills are coming back, but now they are being laced with meth. They believe that since meth is cheaper to produce, drug dealers use meth as a substitute for ecstacy. "More than 55% of ectasy samples seized in the United States last year contained meth, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, compared with 44.5 percent the previous year." Teens report that getting these pills is very easy as long as you ask the right people. Not only is drug trafficing dangerous and scary, the fact that drugs are so easy for young teens to get is concerning for brain development and mortality rate. These drugs continue to come in mostly from Canada whether it is by car, plane, or ship.
Vocabulary- Week 5
conciliatory- To overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease. To regain or try to regain (friendship or goodwill) by pleasant behavior.
countermand- to revoke or cancel (a command, order, etc.).
acumen- keen insight; shrewdness.
insurrection- an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.
fidelity- strict observance of promises, duties, etc.
complicit- choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, esp. with others; having complicity.
steadfast- fixed in direction; steadily directed:
emancipation- The act or an instance of emancipating.
bolster- a long, often cylindrical, cushion or pillow for a bed, sofa, etc.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Book Report- A Seperate Peace
Book Report / Novel Summary
Knowles, John. A Seperate Peace. New England. Macmillan: 1959.
Reason, Type and Setting: A Seperate Peace was one of the most powerful books i have ever read. Both the moral lessons and the style of writing are some of my favorites yet. The plot line was tense and exciting and i enjoyed reading each chapter. This adventerous and reflective narrative gives the reader insight into Gene Forrester's life as a student through some sort of military boarding school. Taking place during World War II, the setting of this novel is in New Englands, Devon school for boys.
Plot: Other than the horrible war going on outside of our country at that time, Gene has to face an even greater war in his own life. Gene's accidentally jostels a branch that Finny was standing on, causing Finny to thud into the river below. The impact from the fall shatters Finny's leg and Gene feels like some outside force caused him to do this to Finny. The two boys continue to be best friends but there is always an awkward tension in their friendship. Toward the end of the novel some of the other boys at the school begin to question the incident and whether or not Gene should be held responsible. They hold a "meeting" to come up with a verdict. Finny is very upset by this and storms out of the room. he is unstable with his bad leg and slips on the hard marble, causing him to re-break his leg. This time the break is far les extensive, but when the doctor is trying to slip the bone back into place, Finny dies during the surgery. Gene's reactions and reasoning towards these events and others are facsinating to me.
Character: Gene represents a certain honesty that many people are too frightened to admit to. Although Gene himself has troubles facing his problems as much as anyone else may, Gene's charactersitcs made him easy for me to relate to. There seems to be a small evil in everyone that seems to be so good, such as Gene. Gene was aiming to be valedvictorian and he was a strong student and for the most part he obeyed the rules, unless under Finny's instruction. Finny on the other hand, seeming to be more of a rebel, he was always honest with himself and others so he never had any secret animosity toward anyone because he was truly honest. Gene was very able of being honest with himself, it was expressing his realizations with others that he had issues with. I think a lot of people could relate to that. By the end of the novel Gene comes to peace with himself and around that same time the war is beggining to come to and end. I think the author also refers to the war metophorically to the war that Gene is fighting within himself.
Evaluation: I throughly enjoyed this novel and would certianly read it agian. It kept my interest with an exciting plot line and unique characters. I learned more about human nature as a whole and I also learned about the way different people had viewed the war at that time. Through reading this novel I was able to come to certain realisation in my own mind about how i treat my family and friends. I was then given the opportunity to change how I approach different people and situations. The main values expressed in this story actually relate to some things i have been dealing with in my life so it was captivating to see things form a different perspective. I would absolutely recommend this book to others for the author's style, educational value and ethical insight.
Because this book is set during World War II it has a lot of historical value. I think the author may have written the book as his own reflection of war time. what ever the reason the book was written, it still expresses a raw side of a few young boys and for that matter teenagers. Any person could realte to these kids and I believe everyone could learn from some of their actions and mistakes.
Author, Context and Trivia: Some other writings by John Knowles includes; Morning in Antibes, Indian Summer, Ballin, Spreading Fires, A Vein of Riches, A Peace Breaks Out, and A Stolen Past. A Seperate Peace is his most famous work by far. I would be interested in reading more from Knowles because i really did enjoy his stlye in this novle and hope it is dupilacted in his others. I have read other World War II books, such as Slaughter House Five, and both were very well written books. I enjoy reading historical novels and plan on explanding on my current knowledge.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Documentary Reflection
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Current Event- Al Qaeda Recruits
In Iraq, Al Qaeda has been recruiting women to become sucicide bombers. Not just any women though, these are women taken from certain hospitals where they have already been diagnosed with terminal dieseases or depression. Not only is it concerning to have people completely willing to kill others by killing themselves. The fact that these women are also under the mindset that they are going to be dieing already, they can easily be persuaded into sucide bombing and following the Al Qaeda group. This seems like a horribile and difficult method to be stopping. hopefully this won't continue to be used as a method of retaliation.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Autobiography Draft
I have embraced the fact that I am at high risk for breast cancer because of my hereditary background. Both my grandmother’s had breast cancer and one had died from it. I have also had many aunts with cancer as well. I think the scariest experience that I had to deal with was when my own mother was diagnosed when I was only 7 years old. My family had moved from New York to San Diego right before the nightmare began. She was stage 3-B and extremely ill. At the time it was difficult for me to understand the magnitude of the situation. All I could grasp was that for some reason I was scared, I was terrified, I had no conscious idea that she could actually die, but I knew something was wrong. As her healing process began my life became more hectic then it had ever been, little did I know that this was only the beginning to a life full of open-ended questions, confusing schedules, and difficult problems to solve. Although my mom survived cancer, the seriousness of the situation is something we have never forgotten. I will never forget the day when she passed out at dinner and everyone began running around me and there was so much chaos I couldn’t even understand what was going on. The ambulance came and I was sent to my room all I remember was sitting on my bed and trying not to cry even though my eyes were filling with tears. When my mother was announced to be “healed” but still at high risk, she made a promise to our family that if in 10 years the cancer did not return and she remained healthy, then we would all go to Africa on a safari. I am proud to say that this summer I will be embarking on a safari with my mom and my step dad. I never look at my mother’s experience as a horrible thing that has happened to me, her or our family; instead I see it as an opportunity I was given to see how strong she could be and I was given a chance to learn more about myself.
My mother is undoubtedly one of my heroes, and definitely my idol, but my father has also been through a lot that I have also been able to grow from. When my mom was diagnosed, she felt like it would be better for her peace of mind to get a divorce. I was very young and her illness was hard enough for me to handle, but I didn’t understand why my family was falling apart too. It has always been so difficult for me to deal with anyone around me being unhappy and I have taken it upon myself to make sure I can fix or at least assist with any problems they may have. I think this trait was partially acquired from my parents divorce. My dad was always sad and upset and I would take pleasure in knowing that I would make him feel better. My mom needed me there to talk to her while she was in the hospital and her, my brother, and I would go for walks through the halls with mom’s IV lines in tow. It brings tears to my eyes just to think in depth about all the pain everyone was going through during that time. The experience has definitely shaped us all. I know that I personally found that seeing and being very much apart of everything that was going on really helped me build a solid foundation for myself. I did rely very much on my parents to help me through certain situations I was too young to understand but while my mom was in the hospital and my dad was dealing with divorce and other problems he had, I was on my own to cope with my emotions.
Ideas: having to be the mediator for my family problems, helping my family through my brother’s problems, …..
I have truly been through so many things that have shaped my personality and have continued to make me appreciate everything in my life that I am so lucky to have. Instead of taking my experiences and using them as excuses to be pessimistic and ungrateful, I see all of my life circumstances as reasons to grow and inspiration to do the best I can to reach my full potential.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Vocabulary Pictures
After we renovated our old home, the new rooms looked beautiful and modern, but we couldn't stay at home for a long time.
The eloquent girl glided down the staircase into the ball room, she was the envy of every woman and the desire of every man.
Disseminate (v)- to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse.
We quickly began to disseminate once the boy in the corner began to count down from one hundred we wanted to be hidden before the inevitable "ready or not, here I come!"
My babysitter was the most austere woman I had ever met. She was so strict and it was abselutely impossible for us to enjoy it when she was here.
Monday, February 4, 2008
American Popular Music- Song Reflection
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
Book Report- Little Women
Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women.
Reason, Type and Setting: I selected this novel because it is a classic and I would to be well versed in a variety of novels important to our American Culture. This is a novel about four young girls growing up into their personalities and learning more about themselves everyday. With a little drama, romance and some sad times this is an all around feel good story. Taking place in
Plot: All the girls are very individual and have complex characteristics. They have all been raised to be as selfless as they can and yet they still remain as unique as ever. The girls wish to fall in love and to stay true to the things they believe in. Beth one of the younger sisters falls ill and dies and all the sisters and family and friends miss her and her ability to make everyone happy. Jo constantly fights the stereotype of a woman and takes pleasure in “boyish” activities. Meg is a beautiful and slightly vain young woman but she learns to be more selfless and she respects everyone she is associated with. Beth is a peacemaker who is a musician as well. She brings everyone happiness through her actions and when she dies all the girls are devastated. Amy is the youngest and she strives to be as mature and sophisticated as she can. She grows up to be a gorgeous woman and the desire of many wealthy men. But Amy soon realizes that she cannot marry for money, despite how much her family may need it, she needs to fall in love.
Character: Josephine is the tom boy of the family. Often described that her only beauty was her hair, she was lanky and thin and introduced to the reader at the age of 15. She is also compared to a colt, in her features and spirit. She always longs to be free from her social chains and to run around galloping about with the boys. She would do anything for her mother and sisters but she is still very stubborn. If she isn’t wishing to be outside playing in the dirt then she would be reading or doing housework. She didn’t spend time worrying about trivial things like her wardrobe. Jo is the most drastically different from her sisters so her character was the more interesting to follow. She falls in love with an older man who is a professor at the school she is teaching at. She writes stories for the paper and with the money she earns she takes care of her mother and her sick sister Beth. Jo grows into a mature young woman but will always remain a free spirit like in her youth.
Evaluation: I did enjoy the story and it was fun to learn in such depth about the sisters’ different personalities. They were integral and spent much of their life doing things for others despite how little they themselves had to offer. Their qualities were admirable and genuine. Many people fiscally have so much more to offer than this small family, yet we tend to not care at all about other peoples problems but our own. We could all learn al lot from these little women and follow their example. I would recommend this novel to someone who is interested in opening up their minds to something bigger than themselves.
I think that even though this book takes places decades ago, we can still relate the timeless morals to our lives today. In school and at home we talk about how we want to help others and we may send a check here or there to some organization and that’s all. This poor family found ways to go out and find people who needed them and offered them everything they could. They realized how fortunate they were and there was no harm at all in providing for others what they themselves take so much for granted. How hard would it be for us to give up one lazy afternoon to helping someone who really needed it?
If I were one of these girls in their situation I would do the best I could to respond to life the way they did. They never knew if they would see their father again but they had a caring mother who would do anything for them and the cold really look up to her as an ideal role model. I enjoyed the end of the novel but I would have liked to know what happened to Amy’s daughter Beth who was ill. Other than that I think it would have been easy for me to act as selfless as the sisters, at least that is what I would hope.
Author, Context and Trivia: Louisa May Alcott also wrote the novels: A Garland for Girls, An Old-fashioned Girl, Behind A Mask or, A Woman's Power, Eight Cousins, Flower Fables, Hospital Sketches, Jack and Jill, Jo's Boys, Little Men, Little Women, Pauline's Passion and Punishment, Rose in Bloom, The Mysterious Key And What It Opened, Under the Lilacs, Work: A Story of Experience. She is most famous for Little Women, and she based the character Jo off of herself. Her life had many of the same experiences as the girls in Little Women. I haven’t read her other books but I have read Pride and Prejudice and there are some similar ideas and circumstances that overlap in both of these novels. I will keep an open mind when it comes to reading more novels of this type.