Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Current Event #1

Commentary: A few states shouldn't decide presidency
By: Ronald S. Martin

As Martin clearly explains in his article, New Hampshire and Iowa are the first two states to hold primary elections. This being true, the candidates that prove popular in these states become the candidates that all the media and America focuses their attention to. This is not fair for many reasons. First being that 10% of American states should not determine the next president of America. Martin believes this can be fixed by holding primary elections in more states around the same time rather than just two states in January. This way the vote will be more accurate as to which candidate America is interested for as future President. Some of the candidates are now focusing their political campaign only on the first four states of the primary elections. Others are focusing on the states with the most delegates. What ever the strategy of the runner may be, it still must remain fair for all Americans in getting an opinion and a vote as to who our next President will be.

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